This is a project under the module CS2103t taken in the National University of Singapore.
Instructions to run the app:
Download and run the king.jar
in release v1.2
On running the application successfully, you should see the pop-up window.
todo <task>
- Adds a new taskAdds a new task to list.
Example of usage: todo running
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][?] running
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
event <task> /at <time>
- Adds a new eventAdds a new event to list.
Example of usage: event marathon /at 2pm
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][?] marathon (at: 2pm)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
deadline <task> /by <date> <time>
- Adds a new deadlineAdds a new deadline to list.
Example of usage: deadline homework /by 23/10/2020 1400
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][?] homework (by: Friday, Oct 23, 2020 2.00 pm)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
delete [list of task numbers]
- Deletes tasksDeletes all the tasks with the task numbers.
Example of usage: delete 1 2 3
I have deleted the following item:
[T][?] running
[E][?] marathon (at: 2pm)
[T][?] sing
You got 2 task(s) left.
find [list of keywords]
- Find tasks with given keywordsFind all the tasks with at least 1 of the matching keyword.
Example of usage:
find run sing jump
I found 3 items with the given keyword(s):
1. [T][?] run
2. [T][?] sing
3. [T][?] jumping
- Returns all the tasks in the listShows all the tasks currently stored in the list.
Example of usage: list
There are 4 items in your list:
1. [E][?] marathon (at: 2pm)
2. [T][?] run
3. [T][?] sing
4. [T][?] jumping
clear list
- Removes all the tasks in the listRemove all the tasks in the list.
Example of usage:
clear list
I have cleared the list!
Updated UI v1.2 on 14/09/2020:
Updated UI v1.1 on 05/09/2020:
New GUI on JavaFXML UI 01/09/2020: v1.0
UPDATE: Deprecated method 01/09/2020: King now runs on javaFXML GUI.
Simply download JAR file in release v0.1
and run on your local system.
The program requires minimum Java SDK 11
. To run the JAR file simply run java -jar ip.jar
Refer to the fork for the project template.
____ __.__
| |/ _|__| ____ ____
| < | |/ \ / ___\
| | \| | | \/ /_/ >
|____|__ \__|___| /\___ /
\/ \//_____/
Hello! I'm King
What can I do for you?